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Durga Puja
Friends, this webspace is conceived by me, Kallol. Being born and brought up in a Bengali family with roots in Bengal , I have deep admiration of Durga Puja. This space is an effort to conserve and enhance practice of Durga Puja , as a socio cultural event across caste and creed. From here, I seek to support any initiative related to Durga Puja across the world.

Digital Durga
Every year we showcase and transmit Live and recorded Durgapuja from here.

Durga Mandir
I have taken a call to extend possible support to establish Durga Mandir acroos the world. Join me in this drive.

Durga Stories
This section intends to curate literatures on Mother Godess. If you have a story to share or thinking of a theme , this is your space.
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