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Durga Puja

Friends, this webspace is conceived by me, Kallol. Being born and brought up in a Bengali family with roots in Bengal , I have deep admiration of Durga Puja. This space is an effort to conserve and enhance practice of Durga Puja , as a socio cultural event across caste and creed. From here, I seek to support any initiative related to Durga Puja across the world. 

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Digital Durga

Every year we showcase and transmit Live and recorded Durgapuja from here.

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Durga Mandir

I have taken a call to extend possible  support to establish Durga Mandir acroos the world. Join me in this drive.

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Durga Stories

This section intends to curate literatures on Mother Godess. If you have a story to share or thinking of a theme , this is your space.

Connect with us at Ranchi, Kolkata & Imphal

Mobile : ​8292385665 ;  Email :

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